University of Twente

The University of Twente is a middle-sized University of Technology.  The department of instructional technology is part of the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social sciences. This faculty houses several educational programs  such as Educational Science and Technology, Communication Science, Psychology and the Science Teacher Training program.
The department of Instructional Technology specializes in knowledge acquisition.

We specialize in cognitive processes of developing and using knowledge and skills, as well as the design of instructional support to facilitate these processes.

This includes the cognitive processes of developing and using knowledge and skills, as well as the design of instructional support to facilitate these processes. The Department of Instructional Technology participates in many national and international projects: among others, in NATO, NWO, DFG, Ministry of Education, SENTER, Kennisnet, and SURF. Many of the research and development projects focus on learning environments for inquiry based learning (with and without technological support).
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