MISStoHIT is a European project aiming to address misconceptions in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) through more effective teaching and learning methods.
The consortium will develop Inquiry Based Learning activities that make use of physical objects, taking also care of gender equality during the application in class. All materials will be cross-tested in different countries to get the widest feedback by end-users and once corrected, they will be freely available on this website.
Students bring ideas or conceptions about scientific phenomena into the science class that are not always in agreement with our current understanding of natural science. These alternative conceptions are often referred to as ‘misconceptions’.
Inquiry Based Learning
Inquiry based learning encourages students to construct their own knowledge through an iterative process of orientation, theory building, investigation, conclusion and discussion.
Gender Equity
Research shows that the way sciences are communicated to youth, in and out of school, is not yet gender inclusive.
MisstoHit will provide the research and education community a Quality Evaluation Framework which will serve as guideline and traceability plan to asses hands-on experiments aimed at addressing misconceptions.
STEM education
The project deals with skills and knowledge of all areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in secondary school education.
Educational resources
MISStoHIT provides Learning Activities addressing misconceptions in STEM.
The learning activity is based on Inquiry Based Learning structured approach and uses physical objects for carrying out experiments. In addition, the physical objects may also be used for more than one learning activity. A list of learning activities will be soon available for teachers and educators and they will be also available in five languages (Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Dutch and Italian).

Project coordinator

Science Museum

Institute of Biometeorology

Liceo Scientifico


University of Twente

Fundación La Caixa